Creativity through the lens of curiosity.

Who are we?

Architecture, Design & Photography is an immersive podcast that invites listeners into the rich tapestry of creativity, curiosity, and philosophical musings inherent in these captivating fields. With each episode, hosted by Trent Bell, listeners embark on a journey through the minds of visionaries who shape our built environment and visual narratives. Delving into the evolution of design philosophies, and the transformative power of photography, this podcast aims to ignite a sense of wonder and contemplation.

Through insightful conversations, we explore the depths of creative processes, sparking curiosity about the stories behind architectural works, innovative designs, and photographic moments. It's a platform where architects, designers, and photographers share not only their technical expertise but also their personal philosophies, inspirations, and aspirations for their respective crafts. Architecture, Design & Photography is a celebration of the intersection between art and functionality, encouraging listeners to ponder the profound impact these disciplines have on our lives and the world around us. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking inspiration or a curious mind intrigued by the beauty of design, this podcast offers a thought-provoking exploration into the heart of creativity and the essence of human expression.



Trent Bell
Founder & Host

Founder, Host, Resident Introvert.  If not working he will be surfing or playing with wife and kids. What you won't find him doing is writing a bio...he hates writing a bio.  Trent knows broccoli is good for him but hates eating it. He also loves an authentic horchata.  He starts to feel uneasy if he feels normal...this is potentially a problem.  Trent loves an informative and enlightening YouTube video because he has a real hard time reading...also loves to sit by himself in the dark at 5am with a cup of coffee...nice and quiet.


Timothy Holt
Podcast Manager

Studio Manager, Retoucher, Editor and curator of books. When not working he is often chasing after one of his two children, maybe in the woods or more than likely around the dinner table. Drinks very dark coffee and is known to experiment with various brewing techniques in order to achieve what some might consider a perfect cup. Always seeking a zen mind in a world of chaos, self proclaimed minimalist (kids have challenged this notion), practitioner of leave no trace principals, and is often contemplating the untold number of stories we tell ourselves about the world.

Josh Johnson
Podcast Producer/Editor

Podcast Producer, photographer and super proud dad. For 13 years I've led hashtag photo contests on my Instagram account and taught photography workshops around the world.  It’s a long, wild story, but lately I’m dialing down the aperture on the Instagram fame game.  I’m focusing more on what really matters, connecting with conversations and stories. That’s why I’m here. Off the clock?  You might find me road tripping out west in my old camper or more likely fixing it. I am always listening to podcasts. My favorites go deep, mysticism to quantum physics, anything just a little too smart for me to really understand.


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